Emotions convey the truth

Honest People

Analyze your emotions and personality through voice, with precise and personalized results

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Emotions are the basis of personality, behavior and well-being. Thanks to them we understand ourselves and others. Therefore, the best promotion of well-being is the checking of emotions.

General information

Detect Emotions

Use AI to analyze your voice, detecting emotions and personality. Know your emotional state with precise results.

Analyze your voice by eliminating the data after analysis. It guarantees anonymity and does not use the information commercially.

Current emotion

Record an audio and find out if he is angry, sad, happy and more. Know the emotional state in real time.

Personality test

Create profiles and record audios. With enough recordings, get a detailed personality analysis.

Wellbeing analysis

Sync your devices to track social interaction and steps. Record an audio at night and receive a weekly summary of your physical, social and emotional well-being.

The application

True intentions are detected by emotions. The most reliable way to capture them is by voice.


Frequently asked questions

Emotions are physiological responses or reactions of our body to changes or stimuli that appear in our environment and in ourselves. The word “e-motion” means movement towards.
Emotions have two very important functions:
The Adaptive Function: they serve to adapt to the environment and survive by preparing us for action and change. The Social Function: they serve to express what we feel in a given situation and to make others part of it.
To the question of whether emotions are a cultural universal, the answer is yes. Without a doubt, the fact that as human beings we have emotions is a cultural universal, and there are those who claim that, in fact, that is precisely what makes us human. But the way in which we, as humans, express these emotions depends on our cultural background and the cultural elements that surround us.
To get clues about what the person you are observing or communicating with is feeling, you must take into account 3 key elements:
1. Facial and body gestures
Body language has to do with everything that is communicated without words. For example, observing details like the following will help you understand their emotions:
  • What they do with their eyebrows
  • What they do with their gaze or if the gaze is lowered, if it conveys sadness or another emotion
  • How is the smile, the lips of that person
  • How is the position of the back, vertical or downcast
  • How are their shoulders, if they are high or low
  • How is the movement of their hands
2. The Voice
The voice can also give us clues about the emotions that people may be feeling:
  • The strength of the voice: if it conveys joy, energy or has a tired voice, with low intonation.
  • Pauses in the voice: the pauses you make can give you a signal that a person is more thoughtful or if they speak faster or slower.
3. Verbal language
Another very important element to take into account is verbal language. This helps us understand what the other person is expressing to us with their words.
  • What they say
  • What expressions they use: of joy or sadness
  • What type of vocabulary they use
Paul Ekman, a renowned psychologist and pioneer in the field of facial expression and emotions, has dedicated much of his career to researching how people reveal their emotions through facial microexpressions. These microexpressions are fleeting facial gestures, which can last only a fraction of a second, and which reveal authentic emotions before the person has time to control or mask their expression.
The voice is always a mirror of our emotions, and this means that people capable of recording and expressing things on an emotional level can transmit all of this with their voice, which is a key element of influence in communication. This wonderful relationship between emotions and voice is what allows you to change some parameters that will help you improve.
It is interesting to highlight this, because it means that emotions influence the voice and vice versa. It is not a unilateral relationship. Precisely because this relationship is a two-way street, learning to control your voice will be a definitive step towards well-being and a healthy relationship with your own emotions.
Most emotion recognition systems analyze an individual’s voice and facial expressions, as well as all the words they speak or type. For example, if the corners of the lips point upward, the machine can determine that the person is in a good mood, while a wrinkled nose suggests anger or displeasure. A raised, shaky, hurried tone can indicate fear; while if someone shouts the word “cheers!”, they are probably happy.
Kraus found that we are more accurate when we hear someone’s voice than when we just observe their facial expressions or see their face and hear their voice. In other words, you may be able to sense someone’s emotional state even better over the phone than in person.
When you’re talking to someone on the phone, for example, you’re more likely to notice if they’re breathing fast and seem nervous, or if they speak in a monotone and sound depressed or tired. On the other hand, you can easily detect enthusiasm and excitement when someone speaks quickly and in a high-pitched tone.

Complex or secondary emotions: this is a wide range of emotional states that arise from the combination of primary emotions. For example, resentment would arise from the combination of sadness and anger. Damasio understands secondary emotions as the awareness of the emotional state and its somatic changes by linking them with previous experience. For Baron-Cohen, unlike primary emotions, the recognition of secondary emotions requires the attribution, to the interlocutor, of beliefs, intentions or some mental state, therefore the recognition of these emotional states is achieved through the Theory of Mind (ToM).

Personality traits would mark a tendency in the individual to act or think in a certain way, since the formation of a personality style is inherent to the evolutionary development of every human being and influences the interaction of the person with their environment. These characteristics are not considered pathological, as they are not accentuated and are flexible enough to allow the person to modify and adapt their responses to the specific demands of the situation and context. In other words, they are functional and do not cause any deterioration in any vital area (personal, social, professional, etc.). Personality traits are combinations of complex emotions that are perfectly detectable through the voice.

The Myers-Briggs Indicator is one of the most popular personality tests today, among other things, because of the ambitious nature of its proposal.
Unlike what happens with other personality measurement instruments, which measure very specific aspects of our patterns of behavior and thought, the Myers-Briggs Indicator was developed to explore the most important and unique aspects that would serve to describe the way of being of each individual through 16 personality types.
The universe of personality tests is always a little bit appealing. Surely you have done one, the reason is that we all love not only to know ourselves better, but also how certain patterns fit specifically with our way of being. One of these very famous tests is the Myers-Briggs, an indicator carried out by mother and daughter that is based on the criteria developed by the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung in his work Psychological Types. From this test you can better understand how we relate to the world and to others.
In psychology it is very common to talk about emotional intelligence. Many studies indicate that emotional intelligence increases our emotional health and helps us to better develop different aspects of our life such as work or personal relationships. The term refers fundamentally to five elements: self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy and social skills.
Self-awareness refers to emotional self-knowledge, something fundamental to be able to carry out the other elements. Emotional self-regulation means that we have the ability to control our emotions.
Of course, the Honest People App can identify, through voice, the level of personality compatibility with your partner, with your friends and at work level, with your coworkers. Thus, it becomes a very useful tool to predict the future of a couple, a group of friends and work teams.
We’ve all experienced that awkward moment when we don’t know if the person in front of us is lying to us or not. It could be a sibling saying they haven’t taken your favorite jacket, your partner assuring us they’re not cheating on you, or your cousin claiming they haven’t used the Netflix account you left open at their house. No matter how big or small the lie is, it’s always just as frustrating to know that someone isn’t telling you the truth.
To find out if someone is lying to us, in addition to looking for inconsistencies in what they say, we can observe their body language and voice. Most people feel uncomfortable lying because they fear being discovered, because they know they’re acting badly, or because they’re aware that they’re hiding something.
The Honest People App can detect basic emotions related to anger, disgust, contempt and violence through voice, and from complex emotions it can detect aggressive personality traits. If violent feelings and anger or contempt remain constant over time, we are dealing with a person potentially capable of committing crimes of physical, gender or social violence, of a psychopathic nature.
By detecting personality traits through the combination of complex emotions, we can determine the personality type of any person. And by comparing the social tendencies of each type of personality we can evaluate the level of compatibility between them. There are 256 possible combinations and 5 levels of compatibility, ranging from very bad, average, bad, good and very good.
In this way we have a highly reliable scientific and automatic method that predicts the degree of coexistence between people in the same family, between couples, friends or coworkers.
Some of the most essential and powerful emotions are fear, anxiety, disgust, and sadness. Like all the others, they arise from specific stimuli and the degree of intensity in each case will be determined by the perception of each individual. After all, two people can react in different ways to the same event.
The problem with the relationship between emotions and health occurs when the perception-reaction of a certain person becomes exaggerated, even worse when the emotion that arises continues for a long time after the initial stimulus.
In these cases, an overexertion is generated in the organism because each emotion activates physiological mechanisms such as cardiac acceleration, muscular tension, arterial hypertension, central neurotransmission dysfunction, and more. If on their own they are mechanisms that generate wear and tear, they have a chain effect by increasing the symptoms of immunosuppression.
Immunosuppression reduces the capacity of the immune system to deal with infectious diseases. Anxiety, sadness and stress have a negative impact on self-care, such as following diets and healthy habits due to lack of motivation, which in turn reduces nutrition and, therefore, immune defense.
Honest People monitors the three main areas of our well-being: emotional, social and physical. It assesses your emotions on a daily basis to check which are the most frequent and usual. It also evaluates your social activity, in terms of daily interpersonal interactions and connection with other people. And it detects your physical activity that you do each day, with the number of steps taken, calories consumed, and percentage of time in motion.
The well-being of society is one of the main purposes of any State. To achieve this, Salutogenesis or health promotion plays a fundamental role because it allows people, individually and collectively, to gain greater control over their own health and improve it. In the World Health Organization’s glossary of terms, health promotion is defined as: “The process of empowering people to increase control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health.” It also encompasses actions aimed at “changing the social, environmental and economic determinants of health to optimize their positive impact on public and personal health.”
Health promotion was promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) through the Ottawa Charter in 1986.
Hugs, kisses, and warm conversations. These are key ingredients of our close relationships. Scientists are finding that our connections with others can have important effects on our health. Whether with romantic partners, family members, friends, neighbors, or others, social connections can influence our biology and well-being.
Evidence from a wide range of research suggests that having strong social ties is linked to a longer life. In contrast, loneliness and social isolation are linked to health problems, depression, and a higher risk of early death.
According to research, having social relationships of different kinds may help reduce stress and heart-related risks. These connections could improve your ability to fight off germs or help you have a better outlook on life. Physical contact, from holding hands to sex, can release hormones and chemicals in the brain that not only make us feel great, but also have other biological benefits.

Regular, appropriate physical activity, including any body movement that requires energy, can reduce the risk of many non-communicable diseases and disorders, such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, breast and colon cancer, and depression.

Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It is more than the absence of mental illness; it is essential to both your overall health and your quality of life. Self-care can be key to maintaining your mental health and supports your treatment and recovery if you have a mental illness.
Self-care means taking time to do things that help you live well and improve your physical and mental health. This can help you manage stress, lower your risk of disease, and increase your energy level. Even small self-care actions in your daily life can make a big impact. Self-care is different for everyone, and it is important to find out what you need and enjoy. It may be necessary to try different things until you find what works best for you.


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